Did You Know, Michael Maehl

Survey Says…

Survey Says…

While the markets overall ended just slightly lower this week compared to the week before, we still had a couple notable events. The biggest one was Apple crushing their expected earnings numbers, raising their dividend […]

It’s about Sector, Not Economic, Weakness

It’s about Sector, Not Economic, Weakness

Hard to believe that just a little over a week ago, we set all-time high marks in both the S&P500 and Dow Industrials. File that under “how quickly they forget” because in just the few […]

HFT (High Frequency Trading) Basics

HFT (High Frequency Trading) Basics

The first quarter ended Monday with investors having seen little net benefit. While the Dow was fractionally lower for the period, the S&P500 and NASDAQ were each only fractionally higher. On Friday, right after the […]